Thursday, April 23, 2009

Day 55

It was a much more productive day than earlier in the week. I went to class and came straight home afterward. I took a nap, read, and snacked a bit before Meredith came to pick me up in the afternoon. We went to a post office in Jesus Maria to pick up a package that Steve sent me. We had expected to have to wait about an hour and then wait to have them open the package in front of us and then I would have to pay taxes on it. But when we got there, there was zero line, and it only took about 5 minutes for them to retrieve my package, have me sign something -- and they didn't even open it up or try to charge me taxes! So exciting. In the package was some brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tarts (my favorite), some cookies, some Sunday comics, and a sweet note. And it only took about a month between the time he sent it and the time that I picked it up! Yikes. Since we finished so quickly, we walked to the Jesus Maria market nearby to look for a cell phone battery, and at about the fifth stall we went to, they actually had one (and, more importantly, it works). Meredith got some makeup she had been looking for, I got some medicine for my toenail fungus (yes, yes. Gross. I don't recommend getting pedicures in Third World nations). And we were back home in less than an hour. Then I met Kali and Eden to go to dinner at San Antonio (Kali is leaving for two weeks for a vacation in Spain), and the photo is our lovely array of beverages. I went with the jugo frozen de fresa (frozen strawberry juice). It was such an encouraging discussion and time of fellowship, and afterward Eden and I went to the prayer night at Buen Pastor. It was about two hours of praise and prayer, and Eden and I were proud to be the sole representatives of the gringas and the jovenes. I think Pastor Ramiro really appreciated us being there.

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